TMCS Fall Coloring Contest Winners
Each Spring and Fall, Tipp Monroe Community Services (TMCS) offers a coloring contest for Tipp City students in grades K-3. Coloring pages are handed out through Broadway Elementary School and LT Ball Intermediate School to everyone wishing to participate. This fall, TMCS received 273 entries. The fall contest winners received a goody bag from TMCS with a gift card, toys, a coupon for a free ice cream cone at McDonald’s, and coloring and art supplies. The fall coloring contest winners are:
Kindergarten - Winner: Kroy Albertini; Runner up: Carter Colbert
First Grade - Winner: Dyuti Sairam; Runner up: Mia Colbert
Second Grade - Winner: Palmer Hawk; Runner up: Kinsley Geiman
Third Grade - Winner: Elijah Hill; Runner up: Eloise Fisher
Look for the next coloring contest in the spring of 2025.