Tippecanoe Gazette

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All Trash Pick-Up Modified This Week

Trash pick-up has been modified this week due to the inclement weather.

Dear Residents of Tipp City, OH. Republic Services will run as follows this week. Republic will attempt to service Monday trash pick-up on Wednesday, January 8. Monday recycle and any additional trash will be serviced Monday, January 13.  Tuesday customers will have trash and recycle serviced on Wednesday, with the exception of Tuesday alley customers. Tuesday alley pick-ups will have recycle only serviced at the street curb on Wednesday, January 8. Tuesday alley trash pick-ups will be serviced on Tuesday, January 14.

The City has focused on clearing the streets and unfortunately, alleys will not yet be serviceable. Wednesday will be serviced on Thursday, Thursday will be serviced on Friday and Friday will be serviced on Saturday. We do apologize for the inconvenience due to the extreme weather event.