Table Salt: A New Dish
The most famous dish on the Thanksgiving table is hands down, the turkey. When my family gathers we put more than a dent in the main dish. Once the turkey has been carved and served it does not last too long. Everyone fills their bellies with the tasty turkey, crockpot mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, vegetables, pies, and cookies.
Once the gobbler has been picked over it doesn’t appear that much is left. While most of our family looked at the carcass and gelled broth in the bottom of the roaster pan and saw trash, Grandma Connie looked at it and saw value.
At the end of the night the turkey looked hardly appetizing to anyone except grandma Connie. She never left a Thanksgiving gathering without the roaster pan and the bones in her trunk. Grandpa Norman would endure the traditional scent as he drove her home.
The turkey remains went to be repurposed.
When the pan got to her kitchen she patiently picked apart the bones to cook down into broth. Any remaining meat was saved and added to noodle soup. This retired, showcased main dish was revived into several more bountiful meals.
The way our Heavenly Father sees us is how Grandma Connie saw the leftovers, packed with potential and purpose. We can never be too far gone for God. He has plans for us. Each one of us has been given gifts. How are you using them?
Our God is a God of second chances, ready to give us grace and mercy. Don’t sit in the roaster pan and rot. Get up and make yourself available to God. Allow Him to make you new. God doesn’t just renovate the past, He makes all things new.
“Behold, I am making all things new.”
Revelation 21:5
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Tippecanoe Gazette
Attn: Ashley Spring McCarroll
PO Box 84
Tipp City, Ohio 45371
I clicked my heels three times and ended up back in Englewood at the Home Sweet Home Cafe…