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Lunch Break: Wishful Thinking
I clicked my heels three times and ended up back in Englewood at the Home Sweet Home Cafe…
Houseplant of the week: Pothos
Pothos are a beautiful vining plant that can be spotted in almost any house plant lover's home. The most common is the Golden Pothos…
RECIPE BOX: Taste of meals past
We all have that special dish or dessert that sends us down memory lane. My aunt’s taco salad takes me to summer family reunions…
Mimi’s Corner: Almost Outta Here
Well, we’re getting down to the wire now. We will be moving to temporary quarters later this week, an AirBnB…
Table Salt: The shepherdesses
My daughters have a small flock of sheep. Eight ewes multiplied into a group of twenty-three. Excitement remained every time a new lamb was born…
Lunch Break: Food Doesn’t Have To Be Complicated
Englewood might seem a little out of the way, but it’s a local town in the area that, for me, has many untapped restaurant possibilities…
RECIPE BOX: Kid’s Kitchen
Nine-year-old Sutton loves to make food in the kitchen. Of course, she loves to eat too! When asked why she likes helping…
Table Salt: Through the gloom
I hauled wood out to the burn pile on a gloomy Friday afternoon. The sun briefly showed its face throughout the day…