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From the City Manager: January 24 News
Interested residents should complete an application and submit it to Janice Bates, Clerk of Council…
New interim city manager drives Vandalia future, preserves past
With over a decade’s experience in Vandalia public service, Kurt Althouse, Chief of Police…
Newman Sworn in to Serve Ohio’s 80th House District
State Representative Johnathan Newman (R- Troy) took the oath of office Monday for his first term as…
From the City Manager: December News
Interested residents should complete an application and submit it to Janice Bates, Clerk of Council…
All Trash Pick-Up Modified This Week
Trash pick-up has been modified this week due to the inclement weather.
Village Council Passes 2025 Appropriations
West Milton Village Council met in a short session for its December 10 meeting. Business was primarily limited to the passage of two ordinances…
Tree Board honors Blake and DeRoss
As one leaves a Tree Board meeting, it’s easy to admire the members’ dedication to root out problems with Tipp’s many trees, stick to the…
Council Approves Purchase of Tipp City Plaza
Council members held two Executive Sessions on Monday, Dec. 2, one for purchasing property and the…